Is my donation tax-deductible?

All donations are tax-deductible for donors who are US taxpayers, and all projects on have been pre-qualified for 501(c)(3) equivalency status. The GlobalGiving's tax-exempt ID number is 30-0108263. GlobalGiving issues you a tax receipt immediately after making a donation. Additionally, you can access a copy of your complete donation history on GlobalGiving at any time.

UK taxpayers paying in GBP are eligible for Gift Aid. Just check the box during checkout and enter your taxpayer address to make your donation count for Gift Aid.

Euro, Canadian dollar (CAD), and Australian dollar (AUD) donations to GlobalGiving are typically not tax-deductible.

The following information is for Canadian and Australian citizens. We recommend donors outside the US and the UK consult their own tax advisor regarding the applicability of any state, local, and foreign tax laws.

Tax Deductibility for Canadian Citizens

Only under limited circumstances can a Canadian take a deduction for a contribution to a U.S. charity. There is currently a Canada/US treaty that provides for deductibility for Canadians making contributions to U.S.-based organizations. In general, a Canadian may take a deduction on their Canadian income tax return for a contribution to a U.S. charity only if they have U.S. source income, and only up to 75% of that U.S. source income.

For example, if a Canadian does not have U.S. source income and donates to a U.S. charity, no deduction is available. If a Canadian has $10,000 in U.S. source income and donates $1,000 to a U.S. charity, the contribution may be fully deductible since he/she has U.S. source income, and the amount contributed is less than $7,500. Consult with an accountant or the Canada Revenue Agency for more information.

Tax Deductibility for Australian Citizens

There is no reciprocal tax deduction for Australian citizens who give to a U.S. 501(c)3 organization.

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