GlobalGiving is a top-rated (4-star) charity on Charity Navigator. We are also accredited by the BBB Wise Giving Alliance. We've been recommended by experts in thousands of articles, including these:
- The NY Times: How to Decide Where to Donate Your Money After Disasters
- NPR: Local Aid Groups Are Key To Disaster Relief. So Why Are They Overlooked?
- CNN: Haitian-Americans look to community groups for hurricane relief
Most importantly, our nonprofit partners have reinforced the value of our approach time and time again:
“We’re thankful for GlobalGiving’s leadership in supporting local long-term disaster recovery, and we’re grateful for the trust and collaboration we have come to expect from the GlobalGiving team,” said Daniel. “GlobalGiving’s support enables us to say ‘yes, we can help’ to our neighbors who’ve heard ‘no’ far too many times. GlobalGiving’s approach is worth investing in; it should be considered a model for the future of disaster recovery collaboration.”
- Imani Daniel, Executive Director, St. Thomas Recovery Team
Finally, at any time you're not happy with how your funds have been used, we also offer the GlobalGiving Guarantee.